THIS IS AWESOME – It’s All A Journey
Recently I presented a talk to a Regional Arts Organisation, Orana Arts, the topic being… How might mental attitude towards your practice might impact on what professional and creative opportunities you pursue, and how to push through the doubts that all artists have at some point…? Have you seen the thing about the creative process that does the rounds on social media? I HAVE AN IDEA! THIS IS GOING TO BE GREAT! OH NO – THIS IS ACTUALLY A BIT SHITE. THIS IS REALLY SHITE. I GIVE UP. MAYBE I CAN FIX IT?> IT MIGHT BE OKAY> OH WOW< THIS
While The World Waited… I Created With Breadtags
During all the Covid lockdowns, the art sector was hit really hard, something that I feel strange complaining about, knowing others had it so much worse than me – I have not wanted to whinge and whine, but just tried to make the best of it. I have never been happier to live in rural NSW Australia! In reality though it did affect me quite considerably, mentally and physically, as well as financially – especially my art practice. Suddenly hosting creative workshops was just not possible. There goes one of my income streams! Exhibitions that were lined up were cancelled
A funny thing happens to me, often, that leaves me quizzically bemused and pondering. It feels like whenever I start to feel a bit BLEUERGH about what I am doing, creatively, questioning myself, my work, my process, my stuff, the universe sends me a little kicker message, a little positive thing . It is like it says “COME ON GIRL, KEEP GOING!” It is like a kick up the butt. At first I thought I was imagining it, but it has happened so many times now, that I feel like it is real. I have reflected upon it, and wondered how it
Part of having a little business means that I sometimes you need to ask for advice or guidance. But I am surrounded by wage earners- not really business people – who have no experience to pass on or firm advice. Compounding this, I live in rural NSW, in relative isolation with a brain that is wired for things not usually business-like.Sometimes I feel quite frustrated or unsure of what to do or how to do things. It all feels a bit hard, and my spirits sag. Sigh. Overwhelmed!Thankfully, I am part of a few business groups online, which have been
WOOOHOOO!!!!! Look at me Blogging again! Who woulda thunk it!? So here I am, sun outside, a cup of tea by my side, chill music on, family occupied elsewhere, and lockdown happening. It feels good to be bashing out words on the keyboard again, I have missed it LOTS. A bit like exercise or eating a crunchy apple, or biting into a juicy nectarine at the beginning of summer, the thrill of diving into a swimming pool… I forget how good it FEELS until you do it again. Getting words on a page is brilliant. It might help to clear
Breadtags are tiny mundane little bits of plastic. Ordinary, boring, simple, something most never think about. However, I am one of the strange few who are the exception to this because I spend way too much time thinking about them, because of THE BREADTAG PROJECT. Before you think of this as strange, do me a favour? If we remove the word BREADTAG, and look at these objects as just a piece of human archeology, a human artefact of the modern world, they really can be a bit fascinating. How so? So starting at the beginning… The breadtag entered the world at a
Things to do with BREADTAGS!
Breadtags, breadtags, breadtags… and things to do with them! Miracle of miracles! I am actually putting my fingers to the keyboard and doing a blog. I realised that I had to do something, write something, to give people out there a few ideas of the FUN THINGS you can do with breadtags. At home, with your kids, or just by yourself! The teacher in me sees lots of opportunities when it comes to breadtags for learning stuff and creating. (Mind you, though partial to breadtags, you could use bottle top lids too, or both together.)Kids are what we call concrete operational, which is a
HELLO THERE! Oh my lordy it has been a LONG LONG LONG time since I wrote anything on here. Please do not be cranky pants! I am a bit of a shocker at saying NO to things, I am really shitty at time management, I get overwhelm, I juggle a lot of balls… and sometimes I actually CHOOSE to put some of the balls down, because I know I just cannot even TRY to keep them in the air. And blogging was one of those balls, put to the side. It helps my mental health to realise I cannot actually
Poo Bum and Bollocks. BUm BUm BUm. Drats, shit shit shit shit. Sigh. Big Sigh. Fark. Bollocks. Poo poo POO poo. And repeat. Reach for cheese. And maybe let go just a few stray tears. Extra salty. Because in the last week I have had a few knocks. Nothing huge or major, but several disappointments, and a few personal moments that were not so great. 1.I had spent hours and hours prepping and submitting for things that did not lead to anywhere. No success. Ouchy ouch, ego a little bruised. 2.I went on conference training thingy that was awesome, powerful and amazing, but it was so powerful that it