WOOOHOOO!!!!! Look at me Blogging again! Who woulda thunk it!?
So here I am, sun outside, a cup of tea by my side, chill music on, family occupied elsewhere, and lockdown happening.
It feels good to be bashing out words on the keyboard again, I have missed it LOTS. A bit like exercise or eating a crunchy apple, or biting into a juicy nectarine at the beginning of summer, the thrill of diving into a swimming pool… I forget how good it FEELS until you do it again.
Getting words on a page is brilliant. It might help to clear some out
My head is ALWAYS full of words and thoughts, it is damn crowded in there. They vy for attention, for their moment. Most of them I just shut down or redirect to appropriate time, place and position, with to-do lists, notes on paper, sometimes blutacked to my wall or maybe little thumbnail sketches to remind me to go back and remember good thoughts.
And sometimes I just try to turn off my brain for a bit, ‘cos it is too much.
How do you remember all those thoughts and words?
Kinda what my head looks like inside…. an endless slideshow of images.
Probably the most important thing I write down is that list of TO DO. Having a Swiss cheese but also hyper-active brain, I cannot tell you how much it helps to see it written down in front of me, a plan for my day, my week, my month. Triaging what has to be done first, who needs me the most, it calms me down. And the immense satisfaction as I cross them off too cannot be underestimated!
My brain is so busy because I am doing so many things, juggling lots of STUFF. I am so lucky to have so much to do, this is not a complaint, heck no. I have worked bloody hard to get all this STUFF happening, in my work and personal life. I am exactly where I put myself. All good ( most of the time).
So, one of the stuff that has been a ball (or balls)? in the air again has been getting this website and new bloggy thing all sorted out. Refreshing my shop, adding new stuff, streamlining things, making visiting rare pear land just that bit nicer and easier for YOU. Now technology and I are not always the very best of friends. I am the first to admit, I frequently make things bigger, huger, titanic sized PROBLEMS when it comes to technology, when really, they are the proverbial molehills. Guilty. However, thanks to brilliant women, ladies, clever chicks, females with high class brains, hearts, and souls, I have persevered, and with their assistance HERE WE ARE! So… hope you like it!