Breadtags are tiny mundane little bits of plastic. Ordinary, boring, simple, something most never think about. However, I am one of the strange few who are the exception to this because I spend way too much time thinking about them, because of THE BREADTAG PROJECT. Before you think of this as strange, do me a favour?…
Things to do with BREADTAGS!
Breadtags, breadtags, breadtags… and things to do with them! Miracle of miracles! I am actually putting my fingers to the keyboard and doing a blog. I realised that I had to do something, write something, to give people out there a few ideas of the FUN THINGS you can do with breadtags. At home, with…
Video: People know me as the ‘crazy bread tag lady, SBS Originally published on SBS
the breadtag project By Emma D 23 August 2019 Illustrator Shani Nottingham collects piles and piles of bread tags in the name of art (and environmentalism). Shani Nottingham is a NSW-based illustrator and rather obsessive collector of bread tags. In 2018, she made her hoarding habits public, beginning The Breadtag Project to showcase art made from the ubiquitous…
HELLO THERE! Oh my lordy it has been a LONG LONG LONG time since I wrote anything on here. Please do not be cranky pants! I am a bit of a shocker at saying NO to things, I am really shitty at time management, I get overwhelm, I juggle a lot of balls… and sometimes…
Article: Bag your bread tags for waste to art project
The humble breadtag is all around us, unrecognised and unnoticed. They are tiny bits of single-use plastic, that seem insignificant. But they add up, says artist Shani Nottingham, who is gathering them to turn them into art. “Basically the aim is to raise awareness of single use plastics, waste and mindless consumption of plastic,” the…
Article: COWRA GUARDIAN April 15 2019
A splash of inspiration at the Cowra Business Hub Those needing some inspiration while working in the Cowra Business Hub need only look up on the wall to find it. The hub now has nine canvases providing inspiration and stimulation in the way of motivational phrases. Local artist, Shani Nottingham, produced the canvases and said…
Poo Bum and Bollocks. BUm BUm BUm. Drats, shit shit shit shit. Sigh. Big Sigh. Fark. Bollocks. Poo poo POO poo. And repeat. Reach for cheese. And maybe let go just a few stray tears. Extra salty. Because in the last week I have had a few knocks. Nothing huge or major, but several disappointments, and a few personal moments that…